The journey of designing these prosthetic mecha hands began with them initially being the hands for the oversized Mecha Gauntlets. However, I was so enamored with the design that we decided to craft a smaller version to serve as prosthetic mecha hands. It’s important to clarify that these are not intended to function as "gloves."
This adaptation was more complex than simply reducing the size. Our initial attempt at scaling down led to a challenge in removing them from the molds; the back of the thumb would get caught during casting, resulting in damaged casts. Consequently, we had to redesign the molds with a new thumb structure. A comparison between the hands on the Mecha Gauntlets and these mecha hands reveals the difference in thumb design.
The Mecha Gauntlets are a larger version that encompasses the forearm, while the Prosthetic Mecha Hands are a smaller alternative, created specifically for hand replacement. They are engineered to fit securely over the wrist ball joints. If you've acquired some from the chaos outlet that don’t fit as intended, it’s because they were chaos rejects due to thickness discrepancies—be assured, these finalized products will achieve a seamless and snug fit over the ball joint.
Please be aware that as the Mecha Hands envelop the ball joint, there will be a natural restriction in wrist articulation. Please also be aware that the fingers do not articulate. The color of this product is Black Navy.
Consistent with all our mecha accessories, the surface features a distinctive weathered texture that cannot be replicated across casts.
In response to inquiries asking, "why four fingers?" I say, "why not?" While the majority of humans have five fingers, some people live with limb differences. This design represents and symbolizes such variations. If some find it unconventional, it’s because we aim to normalize the diversity inherent in humanity, advocating that differences should neither be questioned nor seen as out of the ordinary.
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Danny Choo / Culture Japan
TOKYO, Japan, 141-0031
verantwortliche Person:
Lars Erbstößer
Schmittgasse 176a
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 51143